    HomeTOPICSEducationRomania Eficienta study: Adopting energy-efficient behaviors is increasingly important for Romanians

    Romania Eficienta study: Adopting energy-efficient behaviors is increasingly important for Romanians

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    A nationally representative urban study, conducted by Reveal Marketing Research for the “Romania Eficienta” program, analyzes Romanians’ perception of the importance of energy efficiency in buildings and responsible consumption of energy resources. Compared to previous years, the current results confirm that the adoption of energy-efficient behaviors is on an upward trend.

    For Romanians, the greatest impact of energy efficiency continues to be recorded at the level of utility costs (19 percent), closely followed by the beneficial effects on personal health (16 percent), individual comfort (15 percent) and sustainability/environment (12 percent).

    Compared to 2023, most percentages related to the adoption of energy-efficient behaviors at home have increased, especially the number of respondents who say they turn off the lights when they leave the room (from 65 percent to 71 percent) and those who unplug electronic devices they are not using (from 34 percent to 41 percent).

    The most common energy-efficient behaviors adopted by Romanians include turning off the lights when they leave the room (71 percent), turning off the television (59 percent) and using the washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full (46 percent).

    For 72 percent of respondents, the main advantage of an energy-efficient home is the reduction in energy costs, an even higher percentage, 78 percent, being recorded in the sample over 45 years old.

    Optimizing the energy efficiency of buildings to protect the environment is important for 58 percent of Romanians, to a significantly higher extent for women (63 percent compared to 53 percent for men).

    Also, 7 out of 10 Romanians are aware that energy waste (electricity, heat, fuels, etc.) contributes to the acceleration of climate change.

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