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    MASTERBUILD: Nearly 40 percent of all waste generated each year in Romania comes from construction

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    Romania produces an average of more than 3 million tons of construction waste annually, representing about 40 percent of the total waste generated annually in the country, according to a MASTERBUILD analysis.

    This is why well-organized and efficient construction sites in terms of implementing environmental standards are essential for Romania’s current stage of development, given the imminent mandatory implementation and reporting of sustainability standards.

    In addition, according to MASTERBUILD specialists, construction waste, which could be recovered in infrastructure projects through reuse or recycling, often ends up in landfills and is not exploited to its full capacity, thus wasting a high potential for cost efficiency.

    Waste management obligations currently require a minimum of 70 percent recovery and recycling of construction and demolition waste. At the EU level, more than a third (37.5 percent) of all waste generated is construction, demolition and infrastructure maintenance waste.

    “The way of working and the lack of specific procedures on the local construction market has led to a significant slowdown in the maturing process of this market, generating far-reaching consequences in terms of the environmental impact of construction. At a systemic level, there is a need to raise awareness so that the entire chain of suppliers and sub-contractors in the construction industry implements social and environmental responsibility standards on Romanian construction sites. Imposing clear rules in work processes, integrating environmentally friendly materials and technologies and approaching construction sites as living, developing communities that should not cause discomfort to communities – all these are mandatory elements for a country that wants to access NRDP funds and enter the next stage of development,” says Sorin Gheorghe, Project Manager at MASTERBUILD.

    Ways to reduce urban discomfort on construction sites:

    • Clear marking of spaces and controlled access to ensure a safe and continuous route for all those involved in the construction development. According to a study by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), implementing clear demarcation of workspaces and access routes can reduce the risk of accidents and incidents on the job site by up to 80 percent. This includes the use of barriers, warning signs and appropriate safety markings.
    • Organization and storage of materials: Good organization and storage of construction materials not only facilitates quick access to them but also reduces the risk of accidents. A study by the Construction Safety Council found that around 40 percent of accidents on-site are caused by damage or incorrect use of stored materials. Construction materials should be stored in designated areas and properly labeled.
    • Equipment and machinery: According to statistics, the use of inappropriate or defective equipment and machinery is one of the main factors contributing to accidents on construction sites. Equipment and machinery should be checked regularly and maintained in good working order. All workers must also be properly trained in the use and maintenance of equipment.
    • Management of waste and hazardous substances. According to public data, Romania produces, on average, more than 3 million tons of construction waste per year, amounting to almost 40 percent of the total waste generated annually in our country. The implementation of an efficient waste management system is more than indispensable to ensure a working environment that complies with environmental regulations and standards. Hazardous substances also need to be handled and stored properly in accordance with environmental regulations and standards.
    • Communication and coordination. Clear communication and effective coordination between all those involved in the construction project are essential to avoid errors and delays. Poor communication is one of the main causes of extra costs and delays on construction sites.
    • Monitoring and supervision: Monitoring and supervision of construction activities are essential to identify and remedy any problems or non-conformities.

    MASTERBUILD is an industrial and logistics construction and development company, active since 2005 in both industrial construction and commercial and residential projects. A Romanian entrepreneurial company, MASTERBUILD is active both throughout Romania and in international markets and has so far signed more than 1 million square meters built.

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