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    Circular Economy

    Deposit Return System: 862 million DRS packs were returned by consumers in the first seven months

    RetuRO, the administrator of the Deposit Return System, the largest circular economy project in Romania, announced the system's evolution and results seven months after the program was implemented locally. The Deposit Return System has developed steadily in the seven months since its implementation, with monthly...

    Over 500,000 DRS containers return sessions take place daily through TOMRA RVMs installed in Romania

    TOMRA Collection Romania announces that it has reached a number of over 500,000 consumers who returned DRS containers in a single day through TOMRA's RVMs, located at retailers' return points nationwide, within the Deposit return system (DRS). DRS was launched on November 30, 2023, with...

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    Carrefour Romania and the InspirAction Association support education in Romania

    Carrefour Romania and the InspirAction Association continue the "Small Gestures for Big Practices" educational...

    RetuRO opens its 5th counting and sorting center in Bacău County

    RetuRO, the administrator of the Deposit Return System, is opening its fifth counting and...

    Circular economy in retail. Where does the change start from?

    Opinion article by Adrian Teampau, Director, Alina Alecu, Senior Consultant, and Maria Baran, Consultant,... Sales of over 56 million euros in fiscal year 2023

    Sales on increased by 46% compared to the previous fiscal year; The company reached...

    Hellmann expands its global Sustainability Division  

     The global logistics provider Hellmann Worldwide Logistics is strengthening its commitment to sustainability by expanding...

    29,000 tonnes of DRS packaging delivered by RetuRO to recyclers in the first 6 months of the programme operation

    RetuRO, the Deposit Return System administrator, reports that in the first six months of...

    Romania Records a New Decline in Packaging Waste Recycling

    The most significant drops are seen in the recyling of glass and metal Romania has...

    54.2% of the surveyed Romanian companies have a strategy for applying the principles circular economy for its own packaging placed on the market

    The results of the new analysis regarding the application within Romanian companies of the principles of the circular economy in the area of ​​packaging

    State Councillor Laszlo Borbely: “Romania has a huge chance regarding circular economy; we need good vision and organization”

    “In the field of the circular economy, we need good vision and organization, both...

    The Government extends the sales period for products without the DRS logo

    The Romanian Government today adopted a decision on the establishment of the deposit-return system...

    Bulgarian company TexCycle joins the Circular Economy Coalition to support the decarbonization of the textile sector

    TexCycle has announced its membership in the Coalition for the Circular Economy - CERC....

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    Deposit Return System: 862 million DRS packs were returned by consumers in the first seven months

    RetuRO, the administrator of the Deposit Return System, the largest circular economy project in...

    Over 500,000 DRS containers return sessions take place daily through TOMRA RVMs installed in Romania

    TOMRA Collection Romania announces that it has reached a number of over 500,000 consumers...

    Schneider Electric launches five new certifications to empower sustainable data center and critical infrastructure training 

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