

    Viitor Plus launches a video-manifesto, with the involvement of Alex Dima

    Viitor Plus, through the "12th hour" campaign, launches four manifesto videos, to raise awareness of the impact of waste on the environment and health. The films were made together with the journalist Alex Dima and cover topics such as burning, illegal storage, separate collection...

    EFdeN and energiaTa launch the Sustainable Prosumer Guide 2024, with the support of ENGIE Romania

    Through the civic initiative energiaTA, EFdeN, the NGO dedicated to the development of sustainable housing and the promotion of renewable energies, launched today the Sustainable Prosumer's Guide 2024, a complete educational initiative aimed at both future and current prosumers, with the support of ENGIE...

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    Edenred launches the first nutrition education workshops of the year for chefs in educational institutions

    Edenred Romania, in partnership with the Association of Private Schools (ASP) and Selgros Romania,...

    ECOTIC: leader in electrical waste management

    ECOTIC is the first organization for the transfer of responsibility in the management of...

    PepsiCo Foundation extends support to Casa Bună Association with 150,000 USD grant in 2024

    The PepsiCo Foundation, the philanthropic arm of PepsiCo, and Casa Bună Association (The Good...

    The third year of partnership between the PepsiCo Foundation and World Vision Romania: 90 students from rural areas will benefit from educational opportunities

    The PepsiCo Foundation, the philanthropic arm of PepsiCo, announced today the continuation of its...

    Grants and educational content dedicated to the HoReCa industry offered by the Sustainability Academy

    The Sustainability Academy offers companies in the HoReCa industry grants of 6,000 euros and...

    Deloitte Romania assisted the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee in the creation of training modules on sports’ sustainable transformation

    Deloitte Romania assisted the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee (COSR) in the effort of...

    TenarisSilcotub invests 600,000 lei in the Alesandru Papiu Ilarian Technical College in Zalău

    TenarisSilcotub announces the completion of the project of equipping the mechanical workshop of the...

    Holcim Technical School prepares a new generation of construction technicians

    The Holcim Technical School trains the second generation of construction technicians. 18 young high...

    Romanian entrepreneurs launch consultancy platform for sustainability leaders

    Inspirators, the consultancy platform that offers inspiring stories from global sustainability and regeneration leaders,...

    Sustainable Development of Businesses and Economic Organizations: master’s program at the Academy of Economic Studies

    The Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) from Bucharest, through the Faculty of Agri-Food and...

    Schneider Electric opens registration for its Sustainability School

    Schneider Electric announced that the Schneider Electric Sustainability School is open for enrolment. Free to access,...

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    Over 75 percent of Romanian entrepreneurs believe that climate change has a negative impact on the business sector

    Most Romanian entrepreneurs, over 75 percent of those surveyed in an IRES study, believe...

    Deposit Return System: 862 million DRS packs were returned by consumers in the first seven months

    RetuRO, the administrator of the Deposit Return System, the largest circular economy project in...

    Over 500,000 DRS containers return sessions take place daily through TOMRA RVMs installed in Romania

    TOMRA Collection Romania announces that it has reached a number of over 500,000 consumers...

    Schneider Electric launches five new certifications to empower sustainable data center and critical infrastructure training 

    Schneider Electric, global leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, has...