    HomeNewsEnviron collected almost 40,000 tons of electronic waste in 2023

    Environ collected almost 40,000 tons of electronic waste in 2023

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    The Environ Association has collected in 2023 a quantity of 39,165 tons of electronic waste, respectively 3.5 million pieces of WEEE.

    According to Eurostat data, the European market for electrical and electronic equipment has grown by 85 percent in the last 8 years, which led to an increase in the amount of WEEE waste.

    In Romania, at the level of 2021, 13.8 kg of electrical and electronic equipment per capita entered the market, the European average being 23.7 kg/capita. On average, a European owns 74 electronic devices of which at least 13 are unused (of which 4 are broken and 9 are in working order), according to the WEEE Forum.

    “The increase in the consumption of electrical equipment and technology deepens an old problem that already endangers our health and affects the environment: that of electrical waste, the storage of secondary raw materials, some of them even critical, but also of dangerous substances and gases” , explains Roxana Puia, marketing manager of Environ.

    With the nearly 3.5 million pieces of WEEE collected, the Environ Association recorded a collection rate of 65.54 percent. By category, the most waste collected by Environ was small equipment (over 2 million pieces), large equipment (almost 690 thousand pieces), IT&C equipment (over 470 thousand pieces), heat transfer equipment (refrigerators, air conditioners and others – almost 100 thousand pieces) and televisions with CRT, LCD and LED technologies (64 thousand pieces).

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