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    IRIDEX reduced order processing time by more than 60 percent through business process automation

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    To better optimize and monitor the supply process, IRIDEX, one of the most important players in the Romanian waste management sector, implemented a business process automation platform provided by WEBCON.

    With it, IRIDEX was able to reduce order processing time by more than 60 percent in the first year and also keep track of order history and prices of ordered products, leading to better negotiations with suppliers. The implementation of the WEBCON solution was facilitated by Encorsa, WEBCON’s Premium Partner in Romania.

    IRIDEX Group Salubrizare, founded in 2008 as part of the IRIDEX group, is a company with extensive expertise in waste management, offering sanitation services throughout Romania.

    “Managing supply activities posed numerous difficulties, but after working with Encorsa and leveraging the WEBCON platform, we were able to turn these challenges into opportunities. Currently, we benefit from real-time access to data and documents, transactions, orders, and supplier evaluations being transparent and easy to follow. It has redefined the way we operate, allowing us to manage our supply activities more efficiently and in a more organized manner, with access to centralized data and optimized process control”, said Cristian Bratu, Director of the Procurement Department, IRIDEX Group Salubrizare.

    The IRIDEX team leverages the WEBCON platform to initiate supply orders either from the BackOffice or through a mobile app, facilitating the automatic creation and sending of RFQs (Request for Quote) and purchase orders to suppliers. It also enabled the creation of a virtual archive for accessing documents associated with supply orders, and to assign the responsibilities on the workflow, depending on the business unit, department, and order type. The solution also enables monitoring and reporting uncompleted orders, overdue delivery dates, and for the evaluation of the offers received from suppliers.

    “This change represented a giant leap towards digitization for IRIDEX Group Salubrizare, and Encorsa was the ideal partner on this journey, supporting us every step of the way. We understand that it is crucial to adapt to new technologies to remain competitive. Neglecting the digital transformation process can damage our reputation and our business’s profitability and operational efficiency”, Cristian Bratu continues.

    Future IRIDEX plans include unifying all the applications the company currently uses under one roof of the WEBCON platform.

    “Instead of wasting time on manual and repetitive activities, organizations all over the world should focus on utilizing the talents of their people to generate company value in a highly competitive market. For this reason, businesses choose to use low-code process platforms to streamline and automate their everyday tasks and workflows, and IRIDEX is another successful example. It shows that with the right mindset and the right technology you can transform the way you work and build a competitive edge by virtually doing things smarter. And WEBCON can help, as you can deliver dozens of applications for different processes using a single platform which is not only cost effective, but also a great asset for employees who have to learn a single, unified interface”, said Michał Rykiert, Director of Business Development EMEA, WEBCON.

    IRIDEX implemented the WEBCON system in 2022, supported by Encorsa, WEBCON’s Premium Partner in Romania. Since then, process optimization led to the creation of numerous applications that facilitate the exchange of data between them – such as the one for orders, the one for managing the company’s organization chart, or the one for equipment registration.

    “An increasing number of businesses are turning to digital transformation and business process automation due to the current complex economic environment. By providing employees, business partners, and consumers with a digital experience tailored to their requirements and future needs, these automation solutions help businesses stand out from the competition and maintain their competitiveness in the long run”, adds Razvan Ogrezeanu, Innovation Manager & Co-Founder, Encorsa.

    WEBCON is the international low-code process automation platform vendor, and Romania became a strategically important market for the company in 2023. Currently, over 850 companies worldwide, including market leaders and important players such as Siemens Finance, Mitsubishi Electric, Pratt & Whitney, Huhtamaki, Societe Generale, Answear, Melitta, and MAN, are using WEBCON BPS to streamline processes and drive business growth.

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