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    Ten civic initiatives solving environmental problems win funding of up to 15,000 euro through the Environmental Platform for Bucharest

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    The civic movement in Bucharest is being revitalized through the funding of ”In YOUR AREA” projects. The creation of green spaces, transforming courtyards into community gardens, establishing educational gardens in kindergartens, implementing separate waste collection, urban regeneration, and the use of alternative energy are just a few of the ten “In YOUR AREA” projects selected by the Bucharest Community Foundation through the Environmental Platform for Bucharest, with support from ING Bank Romania.

    These projects have received funding and support to help make Bucharest a more sustainable city. The 10 ideas, chosen from projects proposed by residents across 42 micro-communities in Bucharest, have been granted up to 15,000 euro each and have nine months to be brought to life. Over the next two years, the Environmental Platform for Bucharest will invest approximately 750,000 euro in civic environmental projects, both through grants and initiatives designed to support implementation, such as project incubators, mentoring, and access to experts.

    Bucharest residents are increasingly aware of the environmental issues in their neighborhoods, with about 23% expressing a desire to get involved and help make the city a better place to live. This insight comes from a survey conducted earlier this year by CeRe: Resource Centre for Public Participation, initiated by the Bucharest Community Foundation. The goal was to identify the key environmental challenges in targeted areas of the capital and to encourage civic participation. In response, the Bucharest Community Foundation reviewed dozens of project applications and selected 10 impactful initiatives aimed at improving the city’s environmental quality. Six civic groups and four NGOs were awarded funding and are now collaborating with local communities on projects focused on expanding green spaces, reducing waste, developing alternative transport infrastructure, and improving energy efficiency in apartment buildings.

    The “Green and New Bucharest” project aims to transform 800 square meters of green space in the New Bucharest area into perennial meadows with native shrubs and composting systems. The Healthy Green Spaces Initiative Group, in collaboration with the Aspire to Change Association, will implement this project with the support of the community and local authorities. Additionally, they will develop a best-practice guide for city halls and Public Domain Administrations (ADPs) to help ensure the long-term maintenance of these green spaces.

    Through the “Verde concret/e” project, the courtyard of the Wilson Block, a landmark building in Bucharest, is being transformed by the Wilson Civic Initiative Group into a community garden and event space. The initiative includes creating a bicycle park, organizing planting and painting sessions, and engaging residents in the regeneration of their shared space..

    “Give Back the Community Garden”, a project by ConstantinIDE.I.civic, will transform the garden of the apartment block at 1 General Constantinide Street, along with the separate waste collection bins, into a safer and more beautiful environment. Residents will participate in educational sessions on gardening and recycling, fostering community involvement in maintaining a cleaner and greener space.

    As part of the “Community Garden at the National Map Museum” project, the Chlorophyll Club, in collaboration with the Other Abilities – Other Abilities Association, will revitalize the museum’s garden by planting native plants and wildflowers. Gardening workshops and ecological events will be organized to transform the garden into a space for socializing and relaxation, with the goal of inspiring other institutions to adopt similar ecological practices..

    The “Regeneration of the Urban Gardens of Block 11” project, located in the Ion Mihalache Boulevard area and led by the Mihalache CIVIC initiative group, aims to rejuvenate the green spaces around the block by planting shrubs and flowers and installing efficient irrigation systems. The local community will be actively engaged in gardening and environmental education activities, in collaboration with ADP Sector 1.

    “Ia un loc la tine la bloc”, proiect desfășurat de Grupul de inițiativă Plevnei Civic, va transforma curtea interioară a blocului de pe Calea Plevnei 44 într-un hub comunitar verde, dedicat creșterii biodiversității și reciclării. Inițiativa urmărește să consolideze legăturile dintre locatari și pune la dispoziție un spațiu în care să socializeze și să participe la activități ecologice.

    Through the “Revolution Garden” project, the Streets for People Association is seeking urban regeneration solutions for a neglected space currently used as a car park in Revolution Square. Over the next four months, the initiative will engage the local community, in collaboration with a team of urban planners, to transform the area into a space for socializing and relaxation, including facilities for skateboarders. The redevelopment will focus on sustainable solutions, providing recreational facilities and creating an attractive urban environment.

    The “Kindergarten Garden” project developed by Long-lasting Innovations For Europe LIFEaims to create an educational urban garden at Kindergarten 232 in the Theodor Pallady area. Here, children, parents, and teachers will participate in environmental education and sustainability programs. The garden will serve as an active space for learning and discovery for children.

    The “Panait Cerna Verde” project, led by the Block M57 Initiative Group, aims to rehabilitate the garden of Block M57 in the Nerva Traian area by planting trees, flowers, and various plants. Residents will be actively involved in caring for the green space, participating in cleaning and maintenance activities under the guidance of specialists.

    Similarly, “Unirii on the Heights”, a project by the Home at Unirii initiative group, plans to transform three unused areas into productive gardens and install photovoltaic panels for green energy use. The community will be actively engaged in promoting environmental awareness and fostering a spirit of reciprocity.

    ”Civic participation in addressing environmental issues is essential for creating a livable Bucharest – one that is more responsible towards both the environment and its inhabitants. The «In YOUR AREA» initiative empowers small communities to recognize their real ability to make a difference in both the environment and the daily lives of people around them. In the first two years since the creation of the Environmental Platform for Bucharest, we have been able to support and develop complex city-wide projects, which can also contribute to public policies implemented by authorities, such as those for protecting urban natural areas like Văcărești Park and improving waste management. By focusing on micro-communities, we are engaging at the grassroots level to spark new civic actions in neighborhoods, where the sense of belonging to a city that is «home» begins. Civic engagement not only gives us the opportunity to act but also inspires positive changes within the community”, says Alina Kasprovschi, Executive Director of the Bucharest Community Foundation.

    The Environmental Platform for Bucharest is a strategic program developed by the Bucharest Community Foundation for ING Bank Romania, launched in 2022. The program aims to turn the environmental problems people face into viable projects for Bucharest and its citizens. The Environmental Platform for Bucharest was created to bring together specialists from civil society, academia and business, companies and citizens, activists, politicians, and the administration to act in a coordinated way to solve the complex environmental problems affecting Bucharest.

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